Bag Companions: How Plush Bag Charms Became Totems for Chinese Youth


Why are plush bag charms becoming increasingly popular with working adults?

In China, it seems like anything can be a companion, including a plush toy bag charm. The “Dazi”, or “activity buddy”, phenomenon hit an all-time high in 2023, seeing a 93-fold YoY search increase on Gen Z social platform Soul. While usually “dazi” take the form of another human being, young Chinese consumers are extending this concept to inanimate objects, or perhaps it’s the other way around, inanimate objects are starting to feel more human.

The phrase “bag companion” was popularised as a fashion trend in 2023, originating from the styles of ‘IT’ celebrities like Black Pink’s Jisoo and Chinese actress Yangmi. Much like when sneaker hype was at its peak, consumers closely followed the plush toy charms adorned on the bags of these celebrities, who’d switch up their charms and bag pairings with each off-duty look. These plush toy bag charms are often limited edition objects; seemingly attainable yet entirely exclusive, serving cute and privilege in one innocent package. While luxury fashion houses have tried tirelessly to popularise their own bag charms, with brands like Miu Miu and Balenciaga even incorporating loaded keyrings as part of the entire bag look in their latest seasons, nothing beats a plushie on a bag that is hand-picked by you.

Statistics: 460 million views of #bag charm, and 740 million views of #plush toys on Xiaohongshu as of May 2024

Indeed, there is something different about cartoon plushies that turn them from being accessorised “bag companions” to emotionally valuable companions of the bag owners. This is because unlike functional keyrings, these soft plushies come in the form of adorable characters and animals decked out in trendy outfits, immediately lending them an aura of their own being. Each bag companion carries with it social symbols and emotional resonance, sometimes even fulfilling spiritual needs, much like a religious charm or amulet.

So, what do young people get from bag companions that they can’t get from humans? What kind of relationship and comfort do these inanimate buddies provide? What do they replace? Why are these objects of non-verbal communication necessary?

To answer these questions, let’s break down three popular bag companions who each represent a different need: Linabell, Capybaras, and Jellycat.

1.   Idol power: Linabell

Type of companionship: fandom and para-intimacy (one-sided, psychological intimacy usually used to describe the idol-fan relationships)

Need: emotional attachment and identity

Linabell is a Shanghai Disney Resort original character known for her adorable looks and sassy attitude. Referred to by fans as “top celebrity” and “daughter”, these two seemingly contradictory nicknames highlight the reason behind her unstoppable charm – glamorous and sassy, yet loveable and innocent.

(L) A Linabell mother fan spotted at Hongkong Disneyland. Credit @啊水水水~, XHS, 2024. (R) Snapped by author on a Shanghai metro during morning commute.

Linabell bag charms also serve as status symbols within the fandom community thanks to their exclusivity. To get an official Linabell plush toy, one must visit an exclusive store located within Shanghai Disneyland,  only accessible via booking, or snatch them up through timed sales online. As the quality and value of plush charms is not extremely consistent, fans meticulously sieve through racks of Linabells to find the one with the prettiest face. This drives a whole economy of second hand, daigou (sellers who buy on behalf of people who cannot go to Disneyland), and dupe markets for the plush charms, further driving the character’s popularity.

The combination of Linabell’s exclusivity with its unique personality transforms her from just another plush charm to a special girl that you need to love and care for. For some fans, finding the perfect one is a sign of dedication to the fandom, while others joke by saying that collecting every seasonal design, whether they’re pretty or ugly, is the proof of real love. On social media, proud “moms” will share tips of caring for their Linabell “daughters”, including face sculpting and grooming to beautify the appearance of the plushies.

While Linabell plush toys come in a variety of sizes, the bag charm size seems to be the most popular for its daintiness and portability. Carrying a Linabell bag companion is akin to taking your stylish pet out for a walk – it exhibits your taste and dedication to those who know, bringing immense fulfilment and pride. Disneyland’s Linabell mascot is everyone’s celebrity, but the Linabell plush hanging from your bag is uniquely your companion, your “daughter”.

Before (L) and after (R) comparison of face sculpting a Linabell plush charm to make it prettier. Credit @Augenstern, XHS, 2024.

2. Relatable memes: Capybara

Type of companionship: solidarity

Need: “collective” self-expression (being part of the zeitgeist)

In China, there is always a trending character or animal, usually a reflection of the mood of the moment. These animals and characters simultaneously hold desirable attributes of the times, but also hold enough space for imagination as canvases for meme creation. For example, last year saw the meteoric rise of Capybaras, lauded for its calm and sociable nature even in the face of crisis. The Capybara became a symbol of emotional stability in times of uncertainty. Since people couldn’t change their environment, they had to change themselves, regulating their inner mental states to achieve Zen, following the perfect example of a Capybara. Almost immediately, Capybara memes became the hottest form of online exchange amongst young people, shared across social media and messaging apps to show camaraderie in toughing out the same frustrating situations in life. As the remix of Capybara content flourished, the animal became a “cult”, cheekily turned into a “God” who grants inner peace, wealth, and all wishes.

(L) “everything seems fine”, (M) “at my work desk”, (R) “I will pass all my exams”

Offline, Chinese merchants like The Green Party and Ku Le Chao Play (酷乐潮玩) were quick to capitalise on the popularity and spread the craze by launching a multitude of merchandise and Capybara themed pop-ups in partnerships with major malls (e.g. Joy City, Heshenghui). According to Ku Le Chao Play’s Taizhou regional manager, Mr Shi., the Capybara themed pop ups in Shanghai and Beijing had achieved total sales of 3 million RMB in just half a month since their inception last October. (source: Zhejiang zai xian, 2024) This combination of memetic value and the immediate availability of merchandise led to the cult of Capybaras. It became a spirit animal connecting online and offline, a cultural badge that you could own and carry on your bag, signaling your solidarity with other young folks in your pursuit of nirvana (and wealth, if the Capybara god grants it).


(L) Capybara pop-up in May at Heshenghui, Shanghai. Credit @肉肉君爱吃肉, XHS, 2024. (C + R) Capybara pop-up in April at Joy City, Tianjin. Credit @ICE, XHS, 2024.
Capybara bag charms and amulets. (L) Credit @别动我的小饼干🍪, XHS, 2024. (R) Ku Le Chao Play, 2023.

3. Healing charm: Jellycat

Type of companionship: friendship

Need: emotional support & healing

According to Beike Research Institute's "2021 New Living Alone Era Report", the number of people living alone in China may reach 150 to 200 million in 2030, while the rate of one-person households could exceed 30%. In a similarly troubling vein, a survey from Soul app reveals that the average user has a mere 2.5 friends in their lives. One way that Chinese youths cope with the loneliness from this “friendship recession” is via support and companionship from plush toys like Jellycat.

While traditionally regarded as a children’s plaything, the toy maker has been actively expanding its audience by tapping into passion points and everyday objects. These days, on top of cute animals, you’ll find croissants, rice bowls, and tennis balls transformed into little companions with a smile, hands, and feet. Through collecting Jellycat characters, consumers enjoy a simple, child-like friendship with their toys, assigning them names, personalities, and their own storylines. Carrying these personalised characters out into the real world give them extra magic as friendly companions, acting as a source of emotional and spiritual sustenance for some.

One post on Xiaohongshu from user @娜真的大可不必 that has garnered more than 4000 likes reads, “Sometimes I think that being old has nothing to do with being cute. I’m so happy every day when I carry my (Jellycat) babies out and get praised.” Since the brand is all about sharing joy, it appears that the community surrounding these fluffy companions is equally supportive and joyful.

(L) Jellycat social media post showcasing a breakfast scene with their plushies, (R) users on Xiaohongshu show off their Jellycat bag companions. Credit @Jellycat, @魔魔胡胡胡蘿蔔 🥕, @二十世纪梨🍐, XHS.
The ultimate form of companionship: bag and companion merged into one. Credit @娜真的大可不必 @猫猫的克拉拉, @*nauR, XHS.


While Jellycat is the most well-known brand, many consumers carry other brandless bag companions of various cute plushies for the same purpose. For these young adult consumers, carrying a plush alongside their luxury bag or expensive outfit also serves as a statement of their unique life stage, where they’re adult enough to appreciate and own the finer things in life, yet childish enough to stay true to themselves and their emotional needs.

In conclusion

Through these popular bag charms, we examined three forms of companionship that Chinese youths seek today, namely, a need for intimacy (through fandom), solidarity, and friendship. As the trend of individualism continues and the nature of social relationships evolve, it’s highly likely that companionship gets fragmented further, giving rise to more types of “dazi” that replace humans – plush toys, dolls, game characters, AI, or otherwise. Brands should pay attention to the underlying needs of consumers in these “dazi” relationships to create emotionally resonant products and comms that can fill the gap of companionship.